Become a Sponsor

Choose Your Sponsorship Level for the 2023 Honors Gala

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  1. Naming rights: “Savannah Film Alliance Honors Gala Presented by [Name]”
  2. Press release announcing sponsorship
  3. Full page ad on the back cover of the program
  4. Name and logo on the front cover of the program
  5. “About Presenting Sponsor” section in the program
  6. Logo on the Sponsorship page in the program
  7. Logo prominence on website
  8. Banner ad on website with hyperlink to sponsor’s website
  9. Minimum of four mentions from the podium during event
  10. Early access to the event one hour prior to doors open for VIP pre-party
  11. Two full VIP tables at event (20 tickets) with premium placement and signage
  12. Signage featured at event (supplied by sponsor)
  13. Logo on all video interviews
  14. Logo and mention on all PSAs
  15. Logo projected during pre-show
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  1. Full page ad in program
  2. Logo in program on Sponsorship page
  3. Logo on website and banner ad with hyperlink to sponsor’s website
  4. Minimum of three mentions from the podium during event
  5. Early access to the event one hour prior to doors open for VIP pre-party
  6. One full VIP table at event (10 tickets) with signage
  7. Signage featured at the event (supplied by sponsor)
  8. Logo projected during pre-show


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STAR SPONSOR - $2,500.00

  1. Half page ad in program
  2. Logo in program on Sponsorship page
  3. Logo on website and banner ad with hyperlink to sponsor’s website
  4. Minimum of two mentions from the podium during event
  5. Early access to the event one hour prior to doors open for VIP pre-party
  6. Six tickets at VIP table at event with signage
  7. Signage featured at the event (supplied by sponsor)
  8. Logo projected during pre-show
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  1. Half page ad in program
  2. Logo in program on Sponsorship page
  3. Logo on website and banner ad with hyperlink to sponsor’s website
  4. Minimum of one mention from the podium during event
  5. Early access to the event one hour prior to doors open for VIP pre-party
  6. Four tickets at VIP table at event with signage
  7. Logo projected during pre-show
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  1. Logo placement on sponsorship page
  2. Early access to the event one hour prior to doors open for VIP pre-party
  3. Two general admission tickets to event
  4. Logo projected during pre-show

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industry by becoming a sponsor today!